बाराखड़ी| Barakhadi Hindi to English | Important Part-2

फ (Pha) के शब्द (Words with फ) Barakhadi

  1. फ + अ = फ (Pha)
    • Example: फूल (Phool – Flower)
  2. फ + आ = फा (Phaa)
    • Example: फाग (Phag – A term used in spring, also refers to the festival of colors)
  3. फ + इ = फि (Phi)
    • Example: फिरकी (Phirki – Spinning toy)
  4. फ + ई = फी (Phee)
    • Example: फीका (Pheeka – Tasteless)
  5. फ + उ = फु (Phu)
    • Example: फुलाना (Phulana – To inflate)
  6. फ + ऊ = फू (Phu)
    • Example: फूंक (Phunk – To blow)
  7. फ + ऋ = फृ (Phri)
    • Example: फृक्त (Phriakt – A rare word referring to some species of plants)
  8. फ + ए = फे (Phe)
    • Example: फेम (Phem – Fame)
  9. फ + ऐ = फै (Phai)
    • Example: फैशन (Phashion – Fashion)
  10. फ + ओ = फो (Pho)
    • Example: फोड़ा (Phoda – A boil or pimple)
  11. फ + औ = फौ (Phau)
    • Example: फौज (Phauj – Army)
  12. फ + अं = फं (Phan)
    • Example: फंदा (Phanda – A noose or a loop)
  13. फ + अः = फः (Pah)
    • Example: फः (Not commonly used in words)

Additional Words and Examples

  • फक्कड़ (Phakkad – One who is carefree)
  • फरिश्ता (Farista – Angel)
  • फिटकरी (Fitkari – Alum)
  • फ्लैट (Flat – Apartment)
  • फर्क (Phark – Difference)

ब (Ba) Barakhadi using the Barakhadi system, paired with each vowel:

  1. ब (Ba) + अ = ब (Ba)
  2. ब (Ba) + आ = बा (Baa)
  3. ब (Ba) + इ = बि (Bi)
  4. ब (Ba) + ई = बी (Bee)
  5. ब (Ba) + उ = बु (Bu)
  6. ब (Ba) + ऊ = बू (Boo)
  7. ब (Ba) + ऋ = बृ (Br)
  8. ब (Ba) + ए = बे (Be)
  9. ब (Ba) + ऐ = बै (Bai)
  10. ब (Ba) + ओ = बो (Bo)
  11. ब (Ba) + औ = बो (Bau)
  12. ब (Ba) + अं = बं (Ban)
  13. ब (Ba) + अः = बः (Bah)

Examples of Words:

  1. ब (Ba) – बाग (Bag)
  2. बा (Baa) – बात (Baat)
  3. बि (Bi) – बिन (Bin)
  4. बी (Bee) – बीज (Beej)
  5. बु (Bu) – बुरे (Bure)
  6. बू (Boo) – बूढ़ा (Boodha)
  7. बृ (Br) – बृक्ष (Briksh)
  8. बे (Be) – बेग (Beg)
  9. बै (Bai) – बैल (Bail)
  10. बो (Bo) – बोतल (Botal)
  11. बौ (Bau) – बौआ (Baua)
  12. बं (Ban) – बंसी (Bansi)
  13. बः (Bah) – बः (Used in specific contexts)

भ (Bha) Barakhadi in combination with various vowels in Hindi, following the Barakhadi table:

Barakhadi Words with भ (Bha)

  1. भ + अ = भ (Bha)
    • Meaning: To express or indicate (like “to show”).
  2. भ + आ = भा (Bhaa)
    • Meaning: Part of the word “भावना” (Bhavna) meaning emotion or feeling.
  3. भ + इ = भी (Bhi)
    • Meaning: Also or too.
  4. भ + ई = भी (Bhee)
    • Meaning: Another form, not commonly used.
  5. भ + उ = भू (Bhoo)
    • Meaning: Earth or land.
  6. भ + ऊ = भू (Bhoo)
    • Meaning: Earth (same as above).
  7. भ + ऋ = भृ (Bhr)
    • Meaning: Part of the word “भृगु” (Bhrigu), a sage in Hindu mythology.
  8. भ + ए = भे (Bhe)
    • Meaning: Part of the word “भेड़” (Bhed), meaning sheep.
  9. भ + ऐ = भै (Bhai)
    • Meaning: Fear or dread (not commonly used as a standalone).
  10. भ + ओ = भो (Bho)
    • Meaning: Part of the word “भोला” (Bhola), meaning innocent or naïve.
  11. भ + औ = भौ (Bhau)
    • Meaning: Part of the word “भौतिक” (Bhautik), meaning physical.
  12. भ + अं = भं (Bham)
    • Meaning: A prefix in some words, often denotes a sense of mystery.
  13. भ + अः = भः (Bhah)
    • Meaning: Rarely used, can denote sound or expression in some contexts.

Example Words using भ (Bha) Barakhadi

  1. भाई (Bhai) – Brother.
  2. भूत (Bhoot) – Ghost.
  3. भावना (Bhavna) – Emotion.
  4. भोजन (Bhojan) – Meal or food.
  5. भाषा (Bhasha) – Language.
  6. भृगु (Bhrigu) – A sage.
  7. भयंकर (Bhayanakar) – Terrible or frightening.
  8. भामाशाह (Bhamashah) – A historical figure known for his philanthropy.

म (Ma) Barakhadi Transformations

  1. म + अ = म (Ma)
  2. म + आ = मा (Maa)
  3. म + इ = मि (Mi)
  4. म + ई = मी (Mee)
  5. म + उ = मु (Mu)
  6. म + ऊ = मू (Moo)
  7. म + ऋ = मृ (Mri)
  8. म + ए = मे (Me)
  9. म + ऐ = मै (Mai)
  10. म + ओ = मो (Mo)
  11. म + औ = मौ (Mau)
  12. म + अं = मं (Man)
  13. म + अः = मः (Mah)

Example Words

  • मा (Maa) – Mother
  • मि (Mi) – Short for ‘मिलना’ (Milna – to meet)
  • मी (Mee) – Me (informal)
  • मु (Mu) – Can refer to a short form of ‘मुग्ध’ (Mugdh – enchanted)
  • मू (Moo) – A sound, or can refer to a cow in informal contexts.
  • मे (Me) – In or at
  • मै (Mai) – I
  • मो (Mo) – A term sometimes used for ‘मोर’ (Mor – peacock).
  • मौ (Mau) – A sound or reference in some dialects.

Words with य (Ya) Barakhadi:

  1. य + अ = य (Ya)
  2. य + आ = या (Yaa)
  3. य + इ = यि (Yi)
  4. य + ई = यी (Yee)
  5. य + उ = यु (Yu)
  6. य + ऊ = यू (Yoo)
  7. य + ऋ = यृ (Yri)
  8. य + ए = ये (Ye)
  9. य + ऐ = यै (Yai)
  10. य + ओ = यो (Yo)
  11. य + औ = यौ (Yau)
  12. य + अं = यं (Yan)
  13. य + अः = यः (Yah)

Examples of Words:

  • य (Ya): यार (Yaar – friend)
  • या (Yaa): या (yaa – or)
  • यि (Yi): यिन (Yin – to win)
  • यी (Yee):
  • यु (Yu): युति (Yuti – union)
  • यू (Yoo):
  • यृ (Yri):
  • ये (Ye): ये (ye – these)
  • यै (Yai):
  • यो (Yo): योद्धा (Yoddha – warrior)
  • यौ (Yau):
  • यं (Yan):
  • यः (Yah):

र (Ra) Barakhadi Syllables

  1. र + अ = र (Ra)
    • Example: रसोई (Rasoi – kitchen)
  2. र + आ = रा (Raa)
    • Example: राजा (Raja – king)
  3. र + इ = रि (Ri)
    • Example: रिश्ता (Rishta – relationship)
  4. र + ई = री (Ree)
    • Example: रीति (Reeti – tradition)
  5. र + उ = रु (Ru)
    • Example: रुख (Rukh – direction)
  6. र + ऊ = रू (Roo)
    • Example: रूम (Room – room)
  7. र + ऋ = ऋ (Rri)
    • Example: ऋतु (Rritu – season)
  8. र + ए = रे (Re)
    • Example: रेगिस्तान (Registan – desert)
  9. र + ऐ = रै (Rai)
    • Example: रैल (Rail – train)
  10. र + ओ = रो (Ro)
    • Example: रोशनी (Roshni – light)
  11. र + औ = रौ (Rau)
    • Example: रौंद (Raund – to crush)
  12. र + अं = रं (Ran)
    • Example: रंग (Rang – color)
  13. र + अः = रः (Rah)
    • Example: रः (Used in some compound words)

ल (La) के शब्द Barakhadi (Words)

  1. ल + अ = ल (La)
    • लम्बा (Lamba) – long
    • लड्डू (Laddu) – a type of sweet
    • लहर (Lahar) – wave
  2. ल + आ = ला (Laa)
    • लाका (Laaka) – a term used in some regional dialects
    • लामा (Lamaa) – lama (Buddhist monk)
  3. ल + इ = लि (Li)
    • लिबास (Libas) – dress
    • लिपि (Lipi) – script
  4. ल + ई = ली (Lee)
    • लीला (Leela) – play or drama
    • लीडर (Leader) – leader
  5. ल + उ = लु (Lu)
    • लुटेर (Lutera) – robber
    • लुगाई (Lugai) – wife (informal)
  6. ल + ऊ = लू (Loo)
    • लूट (Loot) – plunder
    • लूटना (Lootna) – to loot
  7. ल + ऋ = लृ (Lri)
    • लृक (Lrik) – a rarely used term in literature
  8. ल + ए = ले (Le)
    • लेना (Lena) – to take
    • लेक (Lek) – lake
  9. ल + ऐ = लै (Lai)
    • लैला (Laila) – a popular name
  10. ल + ओ = लो (Lo)
    • लोग (Log) – people
    • लोका (Loka) – world
  11. ल + औ = लौ (Lau)
    • लौटा (Lauta) – return
    • लौह (Lauh) – iron
  12. ल + अं = लं (Lam)
    • लंका (Lanka) – Lanka (mythological)
    • लंठ (Lanth) – a foolish person
  13. ल + अः = लः (Lah)
    • This combination is less commonly used in Hindi but can occur in poetic contexts.
Barakhadi Part-2

व (Va) Barakhadi Table

  1. व + अ = व (Va)
  2. व + आ = वा (Vaa)
  3. व + इ = वि (Vi)
  4. व + ई = वी (Vee)
  5. व + उ = वु (Vu)
  6. व + ऊ = वू (Voo)
  7. व + ऋ = वृ (Vri)
  8. व + ए = वे (Ve)
  9. व + ऐ = वै (Vai)
  10. व + ओ = वो (Vo)
  11. व + औ = वौ (Vau)
  12. व + अं = वं (Van)
  13. व + अः = वः (Vah)

Summary of व (Va)

  • व (Va): Represents the sound associated with the letter.
  • वा (Vaa): A longer sound, often found in various Hindi words.
  • वि (Vi): Used in words that include a short “i” sound.
  • वी (Vee): Represents a prolonged “ee” sound, common in many names and terms.
  • वु (Vu): A short “u” sound, often appearing in verbs.
  • वू (Voo): Represents a longer “oo” sound.
  • वृ (Vri): A unique combination, usually indicating a certain rhythm in words.
  • वे (Ve): Often used in words denoting existence or place.
  • वै (Vai): A diphthong that adds an elegant touch to many words.
  • वो (Vo): Commonly used for emphasis or reference.
  • वौ (Vau): Less common but still appears in certain contexts.
  • वं (Van): Represents nasal sounds, crucial for word endings.
  • वह (Vah): Often used to denote respect or exclamation.

Words with श (Sha) Barakhadi:

  1. श + अ = श (Sha)
  2. श + आ = शा (Sha)
  3. श + इ = शि (Shi)
  4. श + ई = शी (Shee)
  5. श + उ = शु (Shu)
  6. श + ऊ = शू (Shu)
  7. श + ऋ = श्रि (Shri)
  8. श + ए = शे (She)
  9. श + ऐ = शै (Shai)
  10. श + ओ = शो (Sho)
  11. श + औ = शौ (Shau)
  12. श + अं = शं (Shan)
  13. श + अः = शः (Shah)

Sample Words for Each Combination:

  • श (Sha) – As in शक्ति (Shakti – power)
  • शा (Sha) – As in शाला (Shala – school)
  • शि (Shi) – As in शिव (Shiv – Lord Shiva)
  • शी (Shee) – As in शीर्ष (Sheersh – head)
  • शु (Shu) – As in शुभ (Shubh – auspicious)
  • शू (Shu) – As in शूर्पणखा (Shoorpankha – a character from mythology)
  • श्रि (Shri) – As in श्री (Shri – respect)
  • शे (She) – As in शेयर (Sheyar – share)
  • शै (Shai) – As in शैशव (Shaishav – childhood)
  • शो (Sho) – As in शोक (Shok – sorrow)
  • शौ (Shau) – As in शौक (Shauk – hobby)
  • शं (Shan) – As in शंकर (Shankar – another name for Lord Shiva)
  • शः (Shah) – Used in expressions or names like शः (in some contexts).

ष (Sha) Barakhadi + Vowels

  1. ष + अ = ष (Sha)
  2. ष + आ = षा (Sha)
  3. ष + इ = षि (Shi)
  4. ष + ई = शी (Shee)
  5. ष + उ = षु (Shu)
  6. ष + ऊ = षू (Shu)
  7. ष + ऋ = षृ (Shri)
  8. ष + ए = षे (She)
  9. ष + ऐ = षै (Shai)
  10. ष + ओ = षो (Sho)
  11. ष + औ = षौ (Shau)
  12. ष + अं = षं (Shan)
  13. ष + अः = षः (Shah)

Barakhadi for स (Sa):

  1. स + अ = स (Sa)
    • Example: सागर (Sagar – sea)
  2. स + आ = सा (Saa)
    • Example: साड़ी (Saari – saree)
  3. स + इ = सि (Si)
    • Example: सिला (Sila – stitched)
  4. स + ई = सी (See)
    • Example: सीता (Sita – a name)
  5. स + उ = सु (Su)
    • Example: सुगंध (Sugandh – fragrance)
  6. स + ऊ = सू (Soo)
    • Example: सूती (Sooti – cotton)
  7. स + ऋ = सृ (Sri)
    • Example: सृजन (Srijan – creation)
  8. स + ए = से (Se)
    • Example: सेब (Seb – apple)
  9. स + ऐ = सै (Sai)
    • Example: सैल (Sail – a type of flow)
  10. स + ओ = सो (So)
    • Example: सोना (Sona – gold)
  11. स + औ = सौं (Saun)
    • Example: सौंफ (Saunf – fennel)
  12. स + अं = सं (San)
    • Example: संग (Sang – together)
  13. स + अः = सः (Sah)
    • Example: सः (Sah – he, used in literature)

ह (Ha)Barakhadi with all the vowels in the Barakhadi table:

  1. ह + अ = ह (Ha)
  2. ह + आ = हा (Haa)
  3. ह + इ = हि (Hi)
  4. ह + ई = ही (Hee)
  5. ह + उ = हु (Hu)
  6. ह + ऊ = हू (Hoo)
  7. ह + ऋ = हृ (Hri)
  8. ह + ए = हे (He)
  9. ह + ऐ = है (Hai)
  10. ह + ओ = हो (Ho)
  11. ह + औ = हौ (Hau)
  12. ह + अं = हं (Ham)
  13. ह + अः = हः (Hah)

Examples of Words:

  1. ह (Ha) – He
  2. हा (Haa) – An expression of laughter
  3. हि (Hi) – In (used in certain phrases)
  4. ही (Hee) – Only, just
  5. हु (Hu) – A sound or expression in some contexts
  6. हू (Hoo) – Often used in expressions or sounds
  7. हृ (Hri) – Heart (rarely used in everyday language)
  8. हे (He) – Hey (an informal greeting)
  9. है (Hai) – Is
  10. हो (Ho) – Be
  11. हौ (Hau) – A sound of affirmation
  12. हं (Ham) – We (in certain contexts)
  13. हः (Hah) – An expression of surprise or emphasis

Barakhadi Syllables for क्ष (Ksha)

  1. क्ष + अ = क्ष (Ksha)
  2. क्ष + आ = क्षा (Kshaa)
  3. क्ष + इ = क्षि (Kshi)
  4. क्ष + ई = क्षी (Kshii)
  5. क्ष + उ = क्षु (Kshu)
  6. क्ष + ऊ = क्षू (Kshoo)
  7. क्ष + ऋ = क्षृ (Kshri)
  8. क्ष + ए = क्षे (Kshe)
  9. क्ष + ऐ = क्षै (Kshai)
  10. क्ष + ओ = क्षो (Ksho)
  11. क्ष + औ = क्षौ (Kshau)
  12. क्ष + अं = क्षं (Ksham)
  13. क्ष + अः = क्षः (Ksha)

Example Words with क्ष (Ksha)

Here are some example words that incorporate the क्ष sound:

  1. क्षेत्र (Kshetra) – Field, area
  2. क्षय (Kshaya) – Deterioration, decay
  3. क्षमा (Kshama) – Forgiveness
  4. क्षम्य (Kshamya) – To be forgiven
  5. क्षिप्त (Kshipta) – Thrown, cast

त्र (Tra) Barakhadi Words

  1. त्र + अ = त्र (Tra)
  2. त्र + आ = त्रा (Traa)
  3. त्र + इ = त्रि (Tri)
  4. त्र + ई = त्रि (Tree)
  5. त्र + उ = त्रु (Tru)
  6. त्र + ऊ = त्रु (Tru)
  7. त्र + ऋ = त्रृ (Trri)
  8. त्र + ए = त्रे (Tre)
  9. त्र + ऐ = त्रै (Trai)
  10. त्र + ओ = त्रो (Tro)
  11. त्र + औ = त्रौ (Trau)
  12. त्र + अं = त्रं (Tram)
  13. त्र + अः = त्रः (Trah)

Example Words

Here are some common words using त्र (Tra):

  1. त्रिकोण (Trikone) – Triangle
  2. त्रैतीय (Traitiya) – Third
  3. त्रुटि (Truti) – Error
  4. त्रास (Traas) – Terror
  5. त्रिवेणी (Triveni) – Confluence of three rivers

ज्ञ (Gya) Barakhadi Transformations

  1. ज्ञ + अ = ज्ञ (Gya)
  2. ज्ञ + आ = ज्ञा (Gyaa)
  3. ज्ञ + इ = ज्ञि (Gyi)
  4. ज्ञ + ई = ज्ञी (Gyee)
  5. ज्ञ + उ = ज्ञु (Gyu)
  6. ज्ञ + ऊ = ज्ञू (Gyoo)
  7. ज्ञ + ऋ = ज्ञृ (Gry)
  8. ज्ञ + ए = ज्ञे (Gye)
  9. ज्ञ + ऐ = ज्ञै (Gyai)
  10. ज्ञ + ओ = ज्ञो (Gyo)
  11. ज्ञ + औ = ज्ञौ (Gyao)
  12. ज्ञ + अं = ज्ञं (Gyan)
  13. ज्ञ + अः = ज्ञः (Gyah)

Summary of Knowledge

  • The consonant ज्ञ (Gya) represents a complex sound, commonly used in words related to knowledge, learning, and wisdom.
  • It is essential to practice these transformations to master the pronunciation and understanding of Hindi syllables involving this consonant.

अभ्यास करने के लिए वर्कशीट

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